Di Tri Berrese

By Monkey Business

My mum showed me this, I thought it was amusing. I haven’t been able to track the source attributed below; I have had loads of teachers email me asking to use this in class. I don’t have the copyright on it, so I can’t decide for you (but anyone who says a teacher can’t use something in a classroom is a mug!).

Uans oppena taim ues tre berrese;
mamma berre, pappa berre, a bebi berre
Live inne contri nire foreta.


Unno doi, pappa, mamma, e bebi
go tudia bice,
anie fughette loche de dorre.
Bai enne bai commose Goldilocchese,
sci garra nattinghe tu du
betta meiche troble.
Sci puschie olle fudde daon di maute;
no leve cromme.
Dan schi gos appesterese
ene slipse in alle beddse.

Bai anne bai commese omme
di tri berrese;
alle sommebronde enne sand inna scius,
Dei garra no fudde,
garra no beddse
En warra dei goine due to Goldilocchese?
Tro erie inne strict?
Colle pullssemenne?

Dei uas Italien Berrese,
Goldilocchese stei derre tree unidase;
itte aute ausenomme;
on guita becose die asche erra
to meiche di beddse
sci sai “Go jampa in di lache,”
enne runne omma craine
to erra mamma
tellen erre uat saniguenses
di tri berres uor.
Uatsiuse? Uara ju goine du?
– Go compliene sittiole?