Repairing the car

Well, the brakes on the car weren’t so good, to the point that it was more effective to try and ‘will’ the car to a halt by the sheer power of the mind in place of using either the pedal or the handbrake! Turns out the front pads were gone, and brake fluid had leaked on the rear ones making them ineffective. Luckily, its only about 150 quid to get it fixed.

Trouble with banks

So I had a cheque, for a reasonable amount of money. I took it to HSBC to pay into their machines. They normally have two forms, very similar in size and appearance. On this occassion they had run out of the savings account deposit one. So I grabbed the other form, crossed through the incorrect information on the form, and wrote out the deposit details as normal. On the back, I filled in the cheque details, and wrote a note explaining the ‘normal’ account deposit forms had run out. I depositied this on 2nd June 2005.

The cheque was processed on June 6, and funds transferred on June 7. But not into any of my accounts; disappeared into the HSBC slush fund, deep within their clearing services.

On June 10 I contact the bank to enquire as to my missing deposit. Thats when I found out it had been cleared. Despite numerous phone calls, the problem has still not been resolved. I have had to obtain a statement from the organisation who issued the cheque, showing the amount on the cheque, so that the branch will, “In good faith” credit me this money while they try and sort out what happened.

London: Jobs and Housing

Here is a list of places with more information on Jobs in the IT industry and housing around the Greater London area.



Saint Andrew’s Parish Chursh, Ashingdon, Essex, United Kingdom

St Andrews Church, Ashingdon, Essex The following text is inscribed in the porchway of St Andrew’s Church, Ashingdon (see my pics of the Church here):

1016 Battle of Assandon fought on this spot between Cnut the Dane and Edmund Ironside on S. Luke’s Day.

In this battle all the nobility of the English race was destroyed.
(Anglo Saxon Chronicle)

1020. In this year went the King (Cnut) to Assingdon and Archbishop Wolstan and Thurkyl the Earl, and many Bishops and also Abbots and many Monks and consecrated the Minster of Assingdon
(Anglo Saxon Chronicle)

and caused to be built there a Minster of stone and lime for the souls of the men who there were slain, and gave it to one of his Priests whose name was Stigand.

(another M.S. of the Anglo Saxon Chronicle)